Friday, February 5, 2016

January 2015

We had 10 inches of snow fall the end of January.  I decided to get in the craft room and sew.  Valentine is a favorite of mine.  Think it is because of the pinks and reds!  Those little conversation hearts are also a favorite.

Growing up, Daddy would buy a bag of conversation hearts for each of us.  Well there is only me, my sister, and brother.  I make sure I have them on hand, for nostalgia sake!  I decided to create a mini quilt and mug rug based on those hearts.

I also tried a new project.  Postcard quilts.  Very small, but quite fun.  They do actually mail!  This is a spring rainbow.  Using six 2" squares and a boarder. 

Weatherman is calling for more snow this weekend and first of the week.  Wonder what I can get myself into?

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year

Welcome to 2016!  I have started my crafting list for this year.  Think I need to start with some UFOs that have been hanging around for sometime.  I inherited three quilt tops from my grandmother before she passed in 2009, I started a quilt for my husband-I can't even remember the name, Sunbonnet Sue quilt, several wall hangings, mug rugs and postcards.  That's just the quilting.  

I have unfinished scrapbooks for everybody in the family.  There's a little bit of everything needing attention.  Guess I need to do some organizing so I can see what needs to be done.  

Happy New Year!